Our Mission
Supply quality US origin and manufactured steel railroad products, provide innovative engineered products and address issues by presenting railroad engineered based solutions.
Heavy Duty Joint Bars
Heavy Duty Joint Bars for 132#/136#/141# RE Rail and 112#/115#/119# RE Rail
Manufactured to meet both AREMA Standard Strength and Improved High Strength Physical Properties
Heavy duty joint bars are made with US Microalloy
steel that enhances durability and reduces the brittleness,
which provides the least Residual Stress in joint bars
according to TTCI testing. (See TTCI Test Graph)
Stock bars are 24 inches long for 4-hole joint bars
and 36 inches long for 6-hole joint bars. Milling hole
patterns can be Standard AREMA or alternate lengths,
hole size, and hole spacing patterns as specified. Bolt holes
are CNC machined verse punching. Round and oval
holes are milled by removing micro millimeter slivers of
steel shavings that absorb the heat.
This process
reduces the effect of heat stressing the bars which is prevalent
when heating and punching holes. Milling practically
eliminates the stress fracture nick defect associated with hot
punching holes in steel. According to FRA Class I
revenue track surveys in 2012 to 2013, the majority of the
bolt hole cracking was observed to be a manufacturing
anomaly, presumed to be nick defects from punching
the hole in the bar. (See Engineered Studies On Joint Bar Integrity, Part 1: Field Surveys And Observed Failure Modes).
Joint bars are cold sawn verses cropped, which
reduces Residual Stresses.
To Order Call 844-205-1219 or e-mail:

Forged 6-Hole Compromise Joint Bars With Re-enforced Bar Center
115# to 136# X 36 In. Forged 6-Hole Compromise Joint Bar With Re-enforced Bar Center
Compromise bars are made with US forged Microalloy steel. The center of the bars have a unique
2-1/2″ X 2-3/4″ steel re-enforcement providing added strength. Bars are 36” long with six-holes and are
handed. Compromise bars are milled on CNC machine with center of tool coolant and lubrication cutter to
standard or any diameter hole and spacing that is specified, eliminating the need for field rail cutting and
drilling when end rail hole patterns are different from the compromise bar. This process reduces the effect of
heat stressing the bars which is prevalent when heating and punching holes.
- 115RE to 136RE Forged Compromise Joint Bars
STOCK ITEM - Forged115RE to 136RE forged compromise joint bars
are manufactured with Microalloyed steel that meets
AREMA Standard strength properties. - Compromise Joint Bars meets all “Buy America”
requirements. - The manufacturing process utilizes the use of CNC
machines to mill bolt holes, the highest quality method,
producing the least residual stress in the compromise
joint bars. Custom milling holes available. - Compromise joint bars are Off-Set (Handed).
To Order Call 844-205-1219 or e-mail:
Track Hand Cart
Work-Safe Track Hand Cart Specification
- Work-Safe Track Hand Cart Specifications
- Uninsulated and Insulated Wheels
- Disassembly Wheel System
- Steel Deck Surface 36In. X 48 In. Wt-48lbs.
- Work load capacity 2,000 lbs.
- Reversible Push Bar Wt.- 5lbs.
- US made 12-gauge steel tubing
- US Cast Aluminum 5 In. Wheels Wt-9lbs Ea.
- Duel Safety Hand Breaking System
- Standard 56-1/2 In. gauge (Standard)
- Weight per Unit 89 lbs.
- Safety Flange on Deck.
- Patten Pending
Work-Safe Track Hand Cart Safety Features
- One person can safely handle the dissembled cart
- Can safely carry 2,000 lbs. of work equipment and material
- Has a dual quality break system that locks into place
- US Aluminum cast wheels safely support cart carrying capacity
- Has safety flange that helps keep equipment and material safely on the cart when moving
- Reversible push bar allows cart to always use the safer pushing mode when moving
To Order Call 844-205-1219 or e-mail: